Mindfulness for Teens & Parents
Making responsible choices despite what emotions we may be having includes choosing to be kind to ourselves. But it’s not always easy--especially for teens. Stress, anxiety, depression, low-self esteem, attention problems, apathy. These are a few things that can interfere with our ability to live truly present, happy, successful lives. And, unfortunately, teens really seem to be hit hard with these. In this recent news article, I learned that teen suicide in Utah jumped 141 percent from 2011 to 2015 and that 24.9 percent of Utah teens had depressive symptoms in 2017. With the pressures teens face right now, it really isn't as shocking as it may seem. Seventy percent of middle school students report feeling stressed on a daily basis. That is just not OK with us. At the Mindful Art Company, we want to teach you some tools to help your family learn from negative emotions rather than run from them and live a life based on self-compassion and emotional responsibility.
Our Teen Mindfulness Class is for teens and their parents to come learn the foundations of mindfulness, self-compassion and emotional responsibility. We use stories, meditation, art and discussions to help parents and teens learn the value of mindfulness and create a common emotional language. This makes talking about emotions more comfortable, allowing parents to do their job in a place of love instead of a place of discomfort or fear. Parents have just as much to gain from the class as teens.
Four weekly classes, 1.5 hours each, will be taught Thursdays at 7:30 PM in Holladay, UT. Begins January 25th.
If you’re interested in signing up, click HERE. Or email Becky and I at info@mindfulartco.com with any questions!